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The District of Columbia is the only political and geographical entity within the United States of America whose citizens bear the responsibilities of citizenship, including taxation and Selective Service registration, without sharing in the full rights and privileges of citizenship.
Statehood for the People of DC

The Washington DC Admission Act, or HR-51, sponsored by De. Eleanor Holmes-Norton, provides for admission into the United States of the state of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth, composed of most of the territory of the District of Columbia. The commonwealth shall be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the other states.

We came so close to achieving our goal of Statehood for the District of Columbia. HR-51 passed in the House of Representatives, but failed in the Senate by 4 votes. We are now back to ground zero.

Home Rule

The threat to repeal "Home Rule" has been made and additional Republicans have signed on to support having our autonomy taken away. We cannot and will not allow such immorality and injustice for the residents of the District of Columbia.

History is On Our Side

Washington’s residents pay more taxes than residents in 22 states and pay more per capita to the federal government than any state—yet they have no votes in Congress. 


Since 1801, residents of Washington, DC, abiding by all obligations of United States citizenship, have desired to be equal to all other citizens of the United States of America.


Here We Stand
When Congress convenes, it will be a new Congress and presently we don’t know how that may look. If we lose the House of Representatives, we not only have to fight for STATEHOOD, we must double down and fight to save HOME RULE!
Vote Linda L. GRAY 
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